Perfect for every fun loving dog! 

With this new service we’ll be able to offer an enriching experience for social dogs in need of fun activities. 

We feel we can make a difference by having enough qualified staff for a low dog to staff ratio, having dog trainers on site to curb the development of negative behaviors, and ensuring each dog is grouped by size, temperament, and playstyle.

Our daycare will have a dedicated 8,000 sq.ft. indoor and outdoor space with multiple rings to accommodate all types of dogs.



Hours: 7:00-10:00AM Drop-Offs & 4:00-6:00PM Pick-Ups

Initial booking will be an assessment day, so please choose a day with someone available for early pick up. We also recommend only booking one session and awaiting for approval of future sessions.

Dogs with any aggression or reactivity towards dogs or people will not be allowed.

Intact males and females will be allowed to attend. All females in heat will be required to wear diapers/panties throughout the day.

Price: $40 per day. Packages available upon request.