BACKSIDE WRAP                            BACKSLICE SLICE

THREADLE WRAP                           THREADLE SLICE




This online course will be hosted on Facebook in a secret group. It will be a 6 lesson course, with new content being added every 2 weeks. With both written and video instruction, you will learn how Shauna teaches these 9 cues developing understanding and independence with her dogs.

A limited  number of working spots will be available. If you purchase a working spot, you may post edited videos for review. Auditors will be able to ask questions, but no video review will be allowed. 

Equipment Needed: 2 Jumps and a cone/wing/upright to wrap

First lesson Starts July 1, 2024

Participants will have access for an additional 8 weeks after the course if finished, with working spots allowed to post videos for critique during that time.
My booking site only allows for actual time bookings, so I will have it booked for the morning of July 1st. This one booking will give you access to the full course for the duration of the course. 

Working Spot


Video Critiquing

Questions answered

Auditing Spot


No Video Critiquing

Questions Answered 


This online course will be hosted on a secret Facebook group. It will be a 6 lesson course, with new content being added every 2 weeks. 

Each lesson will have a different setup with multiple drills per setup. The drills are designed to teach, test and proof your handling and use of cues.

Skills worked on in the class: Backsides, threadles, serps, tight turns, layering and more.

Equipment needed: 2 tunnels, 6 jumps. 

First lesson Starts July 1, 2024

Participants will have access for an additional 8 weeks after the course if finished, with working spots allowed to post videos for critique during that time.

My booking site only allows for actual time bookings, so I will have it booked for the morning of July 1st. This one booking will give you access to the full course for the duration of the course. 

Working Spot


Video Critiquing

Questions answered 

Auditing Spot


No Video Critiquing

Questions Answered


This online course will be hosted on a secret Facebook group. It will be a 4 lesson course, with new content being added every 2 weeks.

Tunnels aren’t as simple as they used to be. Courses now require handling in and out of tunnels. Our dogs have to understand how to handle non obvious tunnel entries or exits. 

Equipment Needed: 1 tunnel, 3 Jumps, 1 cone or wing to wrap.

Straight Exit         Threadles

Soft Turns           Hard Turns

First lesson Starts July 1, 2024

Participants will have access for an additional 8 weeks after the course if finished, with working spots allowed to post videos for critique during that time.
My booking site only allows for actual time bookings, so I will have it booked for the morning of July 1st. This one booking will give you access to the full course for the duration of the course. 

Working Spot


Video Critiquing

Questions answered 

Auditing Spot


No Video Critiquing

Questions Answered


This online course will be hosted on a secret Facebook group. It will be a 6 lesson course, with new content being added every 2 weeks.

This class will help dogs that struggle with entries, exits, discriminations, handler motion, impulse control and collection. The skills will be broken down to help your dog understand their job.

Requirements: Dogs must be able to independently weave 12 poles without any luring or body blocking.

Equipment needed: 12 weaves, 1 tunnel, 2 jumps

First lesson Starts July 1, 2024

Participants will have access for an additional 8 weeks after the course if finished, with working spots allowed to post videos for critique during that time.
My booking site only allows for actual time bookings, so I will have it booked for the morning of July 1st. This one booking will give you access to the full course for the duration of the course. 

Working Spot


Video Critiquing

Questions answered 

Auditing Spot


No Video Critiquing

Questions Answered



This online course will be hosted on a secret Facebook group. It will be a 6 lesson course, with new content being added every 2 weeks.

This class focuses on impulse control games to help dogs in both a sport setting, as well as in the home. We will be focusing on control around food, toys, other dogs, on leash, in the house as well as at dog sports.

First lesson Starts July 1, 2024

Participants will have access for an additional 8 weeks after the course if finished, with working spots allowed to post videos for critique during that time.
My booking site only allows for actual time bookings, so I will have it booked for the morning of July 1st. This one booking will give you access to the full course for the duration of the course. 

Working Spot


Video Critiquing

Questions answered 

Auditing Spot


No Video Critiquing

Questions Answered